Lotterywest grant supports employment of people with disability

Disability Services Minister Don Punch has today presented a Lotterywest grant of $247,500 to Workpower to support the employment of people with disability.
  • Cook Government supports employment of people with disability with $247,500 Lotterywest grant to Workpower
  • Funding will go towards the expansion and refurbishment of Workpower's offices to meet the needs of a growing supported employee workforce
  • Workpower is one of the largest disability employers nationally with a supported employee workforce of 900 people

Disability Services Minister Don Punch has today presented a Lotterywest grant of $247,500 to Workpower to support the employment of people with disability.

The funding will contribute to the expansion and refurbishment of Workpower's Osborne Park offices, adding critical capacity to meet the needs of its growing supported employee workforce.

Workpower is a Western Australian Disability Enterprise (WADE) which provides employment opportunities for people with disability, and assists school leavers into supported or open employment pathways within its social enterprises.

Workpower's supported employee workforce rapidly expanded last year after it acquired seven industrial work sites formerly operated by Western Australian NDIS provider Activ Foundation.

The State Government committed $4 million towards supporting alternative options for more than 600 Western Australians with a disability who were facing unemployment as a result of Activ's decision to close their employment services.

This funding resulted in the successful acquisition of all Activ industrial work sites, and the transfer of employees into the new management of Workpower, which is now one of the largest disability employers nationally - with a supported employee workforce of 900 people.

The refurbishment will enable Workpower to increase its office footprint to accommodate 35 staff, and provide hot desking space for additional visiting staff.

Comments attributed to Disability Services Minister Don Punch:

"The employment of people with disability remains a priority for the Cook Government.

"We are proud of our track record in supporting Western Australian Disability enterprises who play a valuable role in providing employment opportunities for people with disability, and helping them to gain the skills required to seek open employment."

Comments attributed to Workpower CEO Lee Broomhall:

"We are grateful for the generous support of Lotterywest, and acknowledge the State Government for their ongoing commitment to sustainable employment opportunities for Western Australians living with disability."
